Chandresh Bhardwaj

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How to Escape the Hustle Mindset

Leela Newsletter


How is your heart feeling today?

My heart is feeling renewed and reset.

As I recently took a trip to Belgium.

for a creative retreat

in a beautiful small town,

just a few hours away from Brussels.

The nature,

the lush jungle around it,

and the light rain.

It was exactly what I needed.

I had paused my international travels

since October 2019

so it being the first time traveling since

felt so great and I’m glad I went for it.

So let's get straight

to the three realizations

that I want to share with you today.

Realization one: Free up the energy.

When you let go of

what you no longer need,

you free up the energy

and creative space

to make a significant difference

with what you have.

It simply means

not indulging in the habits,

the narratives,

the mental script

that’s not blooming you.

It’s a classic case

of the scarcity mindset

where you are never satisfied,

because you keep feeling the fear

I don't have enough,

that more is better.

Let go of what you no longer need.

Try it.

It could be chasing money,

because you have already

made what you need.

So drop the chase.

Maybe you are in a relationship already,

it's fine and wonderful.

And yet the mind keeps

looking for a so-called “better option.”

It's up to you how you

reflect on this thought,

where it is you feel

that more is better,

or I don't have enough.

When you let go of that hustle,

you empty the unnecessary struggle,

you empty that container.

And what remains is pure

creative energy and inspiration.

The muse shows up

to help you shift the energy

to help you shift your reality.

Let me know if that makes sense.

Realization two: There is a better script in play for you.

Maybe the character

you're playing in your life,

is not working out,

or, maybe you're tired and exhausted

playing the same character

and you're stuck in it.

Perhaps there needs to be

a release or dismantling.

If you are not enjoying

the character you’re playing

you got to give a clear message to universe.

Here’s how your mixed message look like:

You’re not enjoying this character you’re playing

but next day you’re getting ready for it - AGAIN.

The universe wonders…

I thought you didn't enjoy the character?

But you're spending five days a week

playing that character. what the…..!?#

Realization three - Understand the balance of darkness and light.

Goddess Kali

is the energy of balance

She interacts with

darkness and light

as effortlessly as you sip

your favorite cup of tea, coffee, or

that $12 bottle of spring water. (LA folks, I miss you!)

There are many stories

of Goddess Kali’s origin.

In one of the stories

she erupts from

the third eye

of Goddess Durga,

who symbolizes

light and grace,





And Goddess Kali, as we all know,

is the symbolism of fierceness,

unapologetic force.

Durga and Kali together,

they represent very beautiful balance

and interaction of darkness and light.

The Goddess Kali absorbs darkness

and Goddess Durga radiates the light we all need.

We need to work with the both many times

which I often meditate on.

I grew up doing these mantras

inviting both Durga and Kali together.

My point is,

you can drop the battle,

the battle of the light and the dark within.

That you're constantly fighting every day.

This battle doesn't result into anything

because running away from darkness

is running away from your shadows.

And constantly chasing only light

is a perfect way to live in delusion

because that doesn't exist.

What exist is a sweet balance

of darkness and light.

What exists is a beautiful playground

where you could maximize

the strength of darkness

to give birth to light.

By the way,

our latest podcast episode

is all about

learning to

balance the light and dark

with Goddess Kali.

This month,

we are finally beginning

the exciting and highly anticipated

first call for Tantra Tribe.

Tantra Tribe is a lifelong membership,

spiritual community,

educational hub,

and sacred space

to cultivate

a deep spiritual practice

to live more abundantly and fulfilled.

It’s a safe space to

express yourself,

your desires,

your longings,

your shadows,

and come as you are.

To attract the abundance

in your wealth,


work as an artist,

your health and more.

We are having

our first video call this month (Date TBA)

where I will share more

about Tantra Tribe,

what it’s in and what you can expect

to receive in this lifelong membership.

So now is the time

to trust your intuition

and take action

if it’s guiding you here.

If you are already in Tantra Tribe,

you will receive the link

to our video call soon.

If you’re not yet in Tantra Tribe,

simply email

with “Tantra Tribe”

to receive more details.

Stay safe,

stay well,

stay grounded.

Love and Courage,
