
I’m Chandresh

Poet | Writer | Creator


Everyone is an artist and storyteller in some form. Through art, stories, and healing, you can embody your truest, most authentic form. As a poet, writer, and creator, I believe that you have a beautiful gift to share that is uniquely your own, and I’m here to help you unleash the muse within. 

I’m a speaker and author of the bestselling book Break the Norms, founder of The Leela Show, and internationally recognized spiritual advisor.

I teach my students and clients the modern yet ancient tantric wisdom passed down through my family of healers for seven generations. 

With nods from the Dalai Lama and Dr. Deepak Chopkra, my work and mission is to help you step into your Sadhana to experience true Ananda, deep bliss, fulfillment, and freedom.